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Now and then, everyone experiences a bruise on the surface of their skin. A bruise is merely the result of pooled blood from a broken blood vessel located just underneath the surface of the skin.
Sometimes, a bruise is the obvious result of a person experiencing some type of trauma, such as falling or bumping into an object. In other cases, a person may experience what seems to be a significant amount of bruising without any obvious cause. It’s at this point a person may wonder if they have some type of underlying medical condition, such as anemia.
In some instances, anemia may very well be the cause of excessive bruising. However, several other reasons can be known factors as well, so it’s important to consider all the possible issues that could contribute to a case of excessive bruising.
When a person engages in intense exercise, it’s not uncommon for them to strain or injure one or more muscles. When the muscle tissue that resides deep under the skin becomes injured, it can cause nearby blood vessels to rupture and leak their contents. The result of this is, of course, the appearance of a bruise on the surface of the skin.
Certain medications can cause a person to experience an unusually high number of bruises. Any medication that makes it harder for blood to clot falls into this category. This is because the longer it takes for a blood clot to form, the more blood will leak from injured blood vessels. Medications that decrease blood clotting ability include prescription blood thinners (anticoagulants), prescription NSAIDs, as well as over-the-counter medications such as:
Some people bruise more easily because of their genetic background. They simply inherited skin and/or blood vessels that are more delicate. As a result, they have a higher propensity to experience skin bruising than the average person.
There are certain nutritional deficiencies a person may have that contribute to bruising of the skin. Certain vitamins assist in key functions such as blood cell formation and other blood-related processes. In particular, vitamin K plays an important role in the blood clotting process. If a person is deficient in this vitamin, their blood will clot much more slowly, meaning more blood will be allowed to pool outside broken blood vessels.
Vitamin C is another vitamin that plays a critical role in factors that contribute to healthy skin and blood vessels. Vitamin C supports the immune system and the body’s ability to heal from wounds to the skin. If a person has a vitamin C deficiency, they may notice even a simple wound such as a bruise takes much longer to heal.
Iron is a mineral that helps maintain healthy blood cells. If a person is deficient in iron, their blood cells will not carry as much oxygen as the body requires to maintain healthy skin, among other vital organs.
Last but not least, excessive bruising and/or bruising easily can be a sign that a person is anemic. In general, anemia is defined as a lack of healthy red blood cells in the bloodstream. There are several causes of anemia, including anemia caused by an iron deficiency. Anemia that is caused by an iron deficiency can produce an itchy, painful rash that is quite pronounced.
If a person is experiencing an excessive amount of bruising, it’s important to determine the root cause. One way to rule out excessive bruising from anemia is with a convenient at-home anemia testing kit from Priority Lab Testing. Our at-home anemia testing kit protects your privacy while delivering fast results, often in one day. Unlike some doctor offices and labs, we don’t charge any hidden fees. All our tests are FDA-approved, so you can rest assured the test results you receive are of the highest quality.