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This Beef Allergy Test uses a blood sample to determine whether or not you are allergic to beef.
This Beef Allergy Test uses a blood sample to determine whether or not you are allergic to beef. Meat allergies can develop at any age and have been known to develop as a result of Lone Star tick bites. Those with beef allergies are prone to hives, nausea, sneezing, or asthma-like symptoms if consumed. In addition, it’s not uncommon for those with red meat allergies to be allergic to other meat and poultry products. For this reason, we recommend covering multiple bases at once (and saving money) with our Meat Allergy Panel. To identify this specific allergy, order our Beef Allergy Test today.
To get started with the Priority Lab Testing beef allergy test, the process is easy. Add the beef allergy test to your cart and any other tests you are interested in. Our website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will then complete payment for your tests and find the location nearest you that can collect your blood sample. After you find an in-person location that is convenient for you amongst our 4,000 locations, you can stop by to complete your test. You have up to 90 days following your purchase to complete your beef allergy test at one of our locations.
Once you provide a sample through our simple and painless blood test with a team member, your sample will be evaluated in the laboratory. Within 24-72 hours, you will receive notification of your beef allergy test results.
You may suspect you have a beef allergy if you feel unwell after eating or handling beef. Although food allergies are often associated with children, the reality is that any allergy including a beef allergy, can develop in an individual at any stage of their life. The severity of beef allergy symptoms can differ for each person. Additionally, how a person acquires or develops a beef allergy can vary. For example, while the reason why a person develops an allergy to beef is primarily unknown, in some people, a beef allergy occurs after developing alpha-gal syndrome due to a tick bite.
While for one person, symptoms can gradually worsen over time, for another, a severe reaction can occur seemingly out of nowhere. Food allergies can be severe and life-threatening. Getting to the bottom of what you are or are not allergic to can help you protect your health and make informed decisions about what allergens you should avoid in your day-to-day life.
Symptoms of a beef allergy can include:
After you submit your blood sample, you are likely eager to see your results. Interpreting your beef allergy test results is straightforward and easy. When you get access to your results, you will see the outcome of the test and whether your sample was reactive or non-reactive to the beef allergen. A reactive or abnormal finding indicates you are most likely allergic to beef. If your results appear normal and non-reactive, likely, you are not allergic to beef, but you may still have another allergy causing your symptoms.
Beef allergies are more common than other meat allergies1, but some people can suffer from multiple allergies or may not be sure what the reason behind their symptoms might be. A beef allergy will test you only for a beef protein reaction. However, a meat allergy panel can test for various proteins, including beef, chicken, turkey, pork and lamb.
An allergic reaction to beef happens when your body misinterprets the proteins found in beef as a threat to your body. In turn, your body reacts by producing antibodies and your immune system can go into overdrive resulting in bodily responses that can cause discomfort or threaten your health.
Data showing the prevalence of beef allergies are not as widely available as other allergens. However, there are reports of many individuals that suffer reactions from consuming meat in their diet. Additionally, some people with a beef allergy may also be reactive to cow’s milk proteins2 and develop a milk allergy.
Beef is a common staple of the American diet. Having a beef allergy can affect your lifestyle and dietary choices. Avoiding an allergen is the best way to prevent a reaction or potential anaphylaxis. Additionally, if you also develop a milk allergy in conjunction with your beef allergy, you may have further restrictions on your diet.